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Do not be afraid

Worship with us in-person this

Sunday at 9:30 am at

Infusion Tea

1600 Edgewater Drive, College Park


Worship with us virtually at 9:30 am

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What is Your Three-Paragraph Story?

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"I'm Good."

Several years ago a classmate from high school reached out to me on Facebook. One of his first questions to me was, "How are you doing spiritually?" I was a little shocked by the question as no one had ever asked me that before and my knee-jerk response was, "I'm good!"  Actually, I didn't know what "doing well spiritually" or "I'm good" actually meant. I just said it.


Months later he was in town and had invited a group of classmates to dinner to reconnect and reminisce. After some small talk he said, "I want you all to know the important role you played in my life during high school."  He then went around the table explaining to each of us the role we played in keeping him from committing suicide. He also mentioned that he had read through the Bible book of John with one of our classmates who was at the dinner.


As we were all leaving and saying our good-byes I walked up to his car and asked him, "What book did you read with Cindy?" He told me and to this day I cannot explain why I responded the way I did, "Would you read it with me?" He immediately said he'd be honored.  A week later after texting back and forth he shared the gospel with me and I prayed and asked Jesus to come into my life.  Shortly after that he began meeting with my husband and me to help us grow in our faith over video calls - we enjoyed it so much we continued meeting weekly for over two years.


- Linda

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We would like to share your story of how you came to follow Jesus.
Share your story in three paragraphs here:


Use the worksheet below to assist you in writing your story.

We Are a Body Life Church

The Bible often uses the analogy of the Human Body to speak of the Church

  • The human body is a unit (one) made up of many parts.

  • Each part is important and needed.

  • Each part has a function that contributes to the whole.

  • Parts of the human body function interdependently.

  • Parts of the human body are dependent on the brain for growth, health, and directives.

  • Jesus is the Head of the Body and we are members of one another.


Body Life Defined:

If the Church is to function similar to the human body, then Body Life is how we relate to one another in ways that demonstrate:

  • Unity out of diversity … every part is important and needed

  • Interdependence on one another … every part contributing to the other parts

  • Dependence on the Head … every part living according to the directives of Christ

These are the key passages related to God’s design for the Church:


Body Life - By Ray C. Stedman - (read online)

The book that inspired a return to the Church's real meaning and mission.

Bible study lessons on the biblical theme of Body Life

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